General Description of the Program

BSDT Institute Two-year Training Program

January 2018 – December 2019

Programme objectives

The objective is to offer a high level training programme in theory and practical skills so that graduates can work professionally as ‘BSDT Dialogical Counsellors – Therapists’, under specific terms and conditions, in the BSDT – Brief Systemic Dialogical Therapy model, developed by Dina Mousteri. It provides graduates with the opportunity to register as a full member of the BSDT Institute and become a part of the BSDT therapist community.

1. The BSDT approach

The BSDT – Brief Systemic Dialogical Therapy model is an integrative approach to therapy which is being promoted through the training courses organized by the BSDT Institute. The model integrates ideas within the field of Systemic, Brief Solution oriented and Collaborative theories and practices.
The foundational philosophy of the model is based on ideas influenced by social constructionism and on the principle of the transformative power of language and dialogic conversation.

The BSDT approach is used in therapy with individuals, couples and families as well as in matters of social discourse and public dialogue. The training programs are specifically designed to offer theoretical knowledge and practical skills used in counselling and psychotherapy. According to the BSDT model, such knowledge expansion is highly depended on the creative use of the immense possibilities offered by Collaborative Dialogue.

2. Brief Description of the Curriculum

  • Knowledge of theoretical concepts underpinning the Brief Systemic Dialogical Therapy model, particularly of the dialogical developments of systemic theory and practice.
  • Opportunities to develop critical thinking through reading and discussions relating to different aspects of the BSDT model.
  • Studying the therapeutic relationship and managing therapeutic endings.
  • Practical application of the BSDT model with different client groups and in different settings.
  • Opportunities to develop a self-reflexive and ethical approach to professional practice while examining issues of: prejudice, gender, race, religion, disabilities, age, culture, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and their contextual influence on the therapeutic relationship.
  • Opportunities to fully grasp the concept of collaboration within the context of dialogue in its various forms in life and in professional practice.
  • Opportunities to relate theoretical knowledge with personal development all along the process of training and in groups of personal and professional development, in particular.

3. Training schedules

The training will consist of the following per semester:

  • Six Saturday all day training
  • Two weekends – Saturday and Sunday all day training.
  • As part of the BSDT training, trainees will participate in groups of personal development during week days throughout the training semesters. Dates, times and location to be confirmed.
  • After the completion of the Two–year training programme, a number of supervised hours will be required, for those that are interested to professionally apply the BSDT approach, so as to able, under the terms and conditions of the BSDT Institute, to practise Counselling and Therapy as BSDT Dialogical Counsellors – Therapists.

The above training will be carried out by Dina Mousteri, invited local trainers and invited overseas visiting trainers.

4. Projected dates 2018

Year 1

  • Semester 1: January 27th to July 2018
  • Semester 2: September to December 2018

5. Hours per years

  • Total hours per year ONE 252
  • Total hours per TWO years 504

6. Facility/location

  • The Classic Hotel
  • Nicosia