The Brief Systemic Dialogical Therapy model is the result of a longstanding process of personal study, research and clinical interventions with individuals, couples, families and larger groups. It is a living and continually evolving approach which combines the most recent ideas in the field of psychotherapy in a creative and original way. It is supported by international institutes and experts who have marked the development of new ideas, concepts and practices in psychotherapy through their work and writings.
The two-year BSDT course combines theory with practical training through collaborative learning and group reflective dialogue. This approach helps to look at people’s problems from a different vantage point and effectively resolve them, away from quick-fix and formulaic techniques. It offers an exciting learning experience that inspires and motivates because it relies on the interests, strengths, experiences and abilities of its students.
The completion of the 2-year program in Brief Systemic Dialogue Therapy offers:
The main language of the course is Greek but a good knowledge of English is also necessary.
For more Information in English, contact
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The Cyprus BSDT Institute announces a 2-day Seminar: “Collaborative Dialogic Practices: Concepts & Applications” by Dr. Rocio Chaveste, from Kanankil Institute, on the weekend of February 20&21, 2016, at the Classic Hotel, Nicosia.
Dr. Rocio Chaveste is the Co-Founder and Director of the Kanankil Institute, Merida, Mexico, a Professor in private and public universities, and Clinical Supervisor of post graduate degrees in Psychotherapy and Addictions (;
Harlene Anderson is recognized internationally as being at the leading edge of postmodern collaborative practices, providing an environment that encourages successful problem-solving, increased competence and confidence and successful sustainable outcomes. First developed for use with families and mental health systems, her approach has proven effective with a variety of individuals and groups in various contexts including: daily life, organizations, businesses, higher education, and research.
As a creative thinker, author, therapist, consultant, coach and educator, she takes her tools worldwide–her insights, her curiosity, her engaging conversational style, her leadership skills, her clarity and her keen interest–to help others create new and often surprising possibilities and astonishing results for their clients, students, organizations and themselves. She embodies her own belief in learning as a lifelong process–inviting, encouraging and challenging people to be inquisitive, creative, authentic and open to the ever-present possibilities for newness in others–and in themselves.
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The Cyprus BSDT Institute’s Certificate program in “Collaborative Counseling and Brief Dialogical Therapy” is now running! We are excited to report that participants are thrilled with the training’s theme and material already, and all is going smoothly! Expected to conclude Certificate in January 2015.
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